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Dr. Mirja Krause-Onwukwe

N° 38

Date finished: Jan. 2014

Batch: WS09

Country of origin: Germany

Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Peter Neubauer (TU Berlin), Dr. Rik Wierenga (Uni Oulu, Finland)

Area PhD: Creating Artificial Sugar Isomerases on the Scaffold of a Monomeric Triosephosphate Isomerase (A-TIM) by Protein Engineering

Present occupation:
Since 07/2016: Working at Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne
2024 - now: Service Operations Manager of the Cell Therapies Facility
02/2021 - 2023: Senior Quality Assurance Manager for Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine
04/2018 - 02/2021: Production Manager Gene and Cell Therapies
07/2016 - 02/2021: Research Fellow


07/2018 - now: Adjunct Research Fellow at Monash U.

Previous occupations:
10/2014-06/2016: Postdoc at the U. Oulu
02/2014-08/2014: Postdoc in the group of Prof. Neubauer (TU)
