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Dr. Sara Bruun (now Seiffert)

N° 29

Date finished: April 2013

Batch: WS08

Country of origin: Sweden

Supervisor(s): Prof. Hegemann (HU), Hildebrandt (TU)

Area PhD: Resonanz-Raman-Spektroskopie an mikrobiellen Rhodopsinen

Present occupation:
01/2020 - now: Product Support Spectroscopy at Metrohm  Germany1, Filderstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Past occupations:
02/2016 - 12/2019: Product Specialist at B&W Tek Europe GmbH, Mainz
08/2014 - 12/2015: Sales Manager at ResearchGate
05/2013 - 03/2014: PostDoc at TU-Berlin

LinkedIn, Xing


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