Below you will find the list of accepted project proposals for which candidates could apply (until March 31, 2019) for a PhD scholarship starting in October 2019.
List of project proposals for a start in WS19 (call for applications terminated)
Nr. | Project leaders | Topic | Link |
1. | Hegemann (HU)/Hildebrandt (TU) | Molecular and functional characterization of bacteriophytochrome from Deinococcus deserti and optogenetic application as red-light-regulated guanylyl cyclase | Proposal 1 |
2. | Süßmuth (TU)/Dobbek (HU) | Structural and functional studies of class III lanthipeptide synthetases | Proposal 2 |
3. | Repke (TU)/Schomäcker (TU) | Fundamental experimental investigations on mass transfer between different catalytic centers situated in porous matrices | Proposal 3 |
4. | Sun (FMP)/Hildebrandt (TU) | The role of molecular dynamics in gating and substrate recognition of intramembrane proteases | Proposal 4 |
5. | Kneipp (HU)/Arenz (HU) | Monitoring enzyme function at lipid membranes by SERS | Proposal 5 |
6. | Braun (HU)/Kaupp (TU) | Carbonylation and carboxylation of alkanes in fluorinated solvents or scCO2 | Proposal 6 |
7. | Mroginski (TU)/Rappsilber (TU) | Understanding enzymatic catalytic cycles by quantitative crosslinking mass spectrometry and molecular simulations. | Proposal 7 |
8. | Teichert (TU)/Fletcher (U. Oxford) | The same and not the same – distinguishing similar functional groups by bifunctional catalysts | Proposal 8 |
9. | Börner (HU)/Thomas (TU) | Exploring the functionality space of organic frameworks: Via combinatorial chemistry to functional materials and artificial protein mimics | Proposal 9 |
10. | Matera (FU)/Fuhrmann (WIAS) | Coupled atomistic and nanofluidic simulations for electrocatalysis | Proposal 10 |
11. | Keller (FU)/Hegemann (HU) | Isomerization of retinal in different chemical environments investigated by QM calculations and transition path sampling simulations | Proposal 11 |
12. | Friedrich (TU)/Budisa (TU/U. Manitoba) | Synthetic biology tools for the design of novel biological photoswitches based on modular carotenoprotein assemblies | Proposal 12 |
13. | Ray (HU)/Dau (FU) | Water oxidation mediated by [MII(Hbbpya)]2+ catalysts (M= Fe, Co, Ni): Mechanistic investigation and spectroscopic trapping of reactive intermediates | Proposal 13 |
14. | Gurlo (TU)/Rosowski (BASF)/Schomäcker (TU) | Fundamental aspects of performance and stability of multi-metallic catalytic systems in coupled chemocatalytic reactions | Proposal 14 |
15. | Risse (FU)/Frei (FHI) | In-situ investigations on the geometric and electronic properties of paramagnetic sites in heterogeneous catalysts under relevant conditions | Proposal 15 |
16. | Hildebrandt (TU)/Hegemann (HU) | Potential-dependent structural changes of membrane-bound proteins by vibrational spectroscopy | Proposal 16 |
17. | Zebger (TU)/Scheller (UP)/Wollenberger (UP) | Combined electrochemical and vibrational spectro-electrochemical studies of enzymatic processes on MIP covered model electrodes | Proposal 17 |
18. | Kraehnert (TU)/Werwatz (TU) | Knowledge extraction form large sets of data in heterogeneous catalysis - a combined experimental, computational and statistical approach - | Proposal 18 (only abstract) |