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17th EC2/BIG-NSE Workshop on Friday, Jan. 12, 2024

The new batch students present the work plan of their PhD research

Titel: 17th EC2/BIG-NSE workshop

Venue:  C264, Chemistry Berlin, TU-Berlin

As every year, once their "initial phase" is finished, the new PhD students of EC2/BIG-NSE have the opportunity to present their PhD work plan in front of the UniSysCat community.

The first presentation is planned to start at about 12:50 and the last one to finish around 15:50. Scope of the presentations ranges from theory to application on all aspects of catalysis: Organic/Inorganic chemistry, heterogeneous catalysis, modelization, biotechnologies, biocatalysis etc.: all interested scientists are welcome!


Tentative schedule

12:40-12:50Prof. Maria Andrea Mroginski, EC2 spokesperson Welcome words
   First session - Moderation: Prof. Maria Andrea Mroginski
12:50-13:10Daniil LepikhovAriane Nunes Alves (TU), Silke Leimkühler (UP), Maria Andrea Mroginski (TU)Aldehyde oxydase constant of Michaelis prediction using machine learning
13:10-13:30Denise PoireMarius Horch (FU), Maria Andrea Mroginski (TU)Obtaining a dynamic picture of biological carbon fixation by computational spectroscopy and simulations
13:30-13:50Zishuo ZhangIngo Zegber (TU), Maria Andrea Mroginski (TU)Elucidating coupling and reactivities in an ATPase driven reductase complex by vibrational spectroscopy and quantum chemical computations
13:50-14:10Coffee break Second session - Moderation: Prof. Peter Neubauer
14:10-14:30Laura MagesDennis Nürnberg (FU), Athina Zouni (HU), Patrick Scheerer (Charité)Improved photosystem coupling and a novel spectral-tuning approach in light-driven formate production
14:30-14:50Enlin ZhengDaniel Roderer (FMP/FU), Adam Lange (FMP/HU), Han Sun (FMP/TU)Structural basis of rhomboid protease substrate recognition and transmembrane helix arrangement by cryo-EM and integrative modeling
14:50-15:10Coffee break Third session - Moderation: Prof. Maria Andrea Mroginski
15:10-15:30Jonas MotterPeter Neubauer (TU), Han Sun (TU)Identification and characterization of halogenases acting on nucleoside scaffolds
15:30-15:50Camila DiasMajd Al Naji (BasCat/TU), Markus Antonietti (MPIKG), Peter Neubauer (TU)Reductive catalytic fractionation of waste cellulosic-biomass to functional chemicals and subsequently to green polymers
15:50-16:00Prof. Maria Andrea Mroginski, EC2 spokesperson Closing remarks


After the EC2/BIG-NSE workshop, a UniSysCat General Assembly and the annual UniSysCat New Year party are to take place (venue: in the H 3005 room, in the "Hauptgebäude": TU main building). All UniSyscat members are welcome!



EC2/BIG-NSE is a doctoral program on the field of catalysis funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin. It is located a TU-Berlin but involves several other Berlin research institutions.