First, from 5 to 5:20 pm, Kim Tiedemann will present “Molybdoenzymes with novel reactivities” (see abstract here), followed by a 10-minute opportunity to ask questions and discuss about the topic. Kim is a student from the WS17 batch and writes her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Silke Leimkühler at the Potsdam University. She studied biochemistry in Greifswald and wrote her M.Sc. thesis about the synthesis of molybdenum cofactor model compounds. After the BIG-NSE initial phase, she joined the group of Silke Leimkühler to investigate the enzymatic side of the project.
After her talk, expectedly between 5:30 and 5:50, Jakob Ruickoldt will give a presentation with the title "Investigations on the catalytic coupling of the CODH/ACS complex" (see abstract here) followed by a Q/A session. Jakob belongs to the WS18 batch of EC2/BIG-NSE and writes his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Holger Dobbek. He did his Bachelor and Master studies in Biochemistry at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg and the Université de Montréal. In January 2019 he joined the group of Holger Dobbek after the EC2/BIG-NSE 2018 initial phase.
The EC2/BIG-NSE symposium represents a new series of scientific presentations given by our EC2/BIG-NSE PhD students (see schedule of the coming months here).
In the coming months, on several Wednesday afternoons, two students will thus give an online talk from approximately 5-6 pm (20 min presentation each + 10 mn Q/A). The symposium takes place online using Zoom. The access to the event is restricted to members of UniSysCat. The Zoom Link is sent to them a fews days prior to the meeting.