The first talk will be given from 5 to approximately 5:20 pm by Benyapa Kaewmee about "H2-mediated cross-coupling reactions with a co-catalysis approach: trapping of copper hydrogenation intermediates by palladium catalyzed C-C-bond formation reactions" (see abstract here). Her talk will be followed by a Q/A session, as usual. Benyapa is an EC2/BIG-NSE PhD student from the WS18 batch. She is currently working her PhD under the supervision of Johannes Teichert, and is funded by a EC2/BIG-NSE scholarship. She comes from Nakhon Sri Thammarat, the southern Thailand. She studied Bachelor and Master of chemistry from Prince of Songkla University. November 2017, she did her Master internship in Johannes Teichert´s group and after the EC2/BIG-NSE initial phase at the end of 2018, she joined Johannes Teichert's group for her PhD in January 2019.
After her talk, expectedly from approximately 5:30 to 5:50pm, Mahadeb Gorai will talk out "Design and synthesis of chiral NHC/Guanidine bifunctional catalysts for asymmetric and site selective transformation" (see abstract here). His talk will be followed by a Q/A session, as usual. Mahadeb is an EC2/BIG-NSE PhD student from the WS19 batch. He is also currently working on his PhD under the supervision of Johannes Teichert, and is funded by a EC2/BIG-NSE scholarship. He comes from Kolkata, India. He studied Master of chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology. Kharagpur, 2019 . After the EC2/BIG-NSE initial phase at the end of 2019, he joined the Teichert group for his PhD in January 2020.
The EC2/BIG-NSE symposium represents a new series of scientific presentations given by our EC2/BIG-NSE PhD students (see schedule of the coming months here). In the coming months, on several Wednesday afternoons, two students will thus give an online talk from approximately 5-6 pm (20 min presentation each + 10 mn Q/A). The symposium takes place online using Zoom. The access to the event is restricted to members of UniSysCat. The Zoom Link will be sent to them a few days before symposium date.
Looking forward to welcoming you on Wednesday!
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