Last Monday one of the "recognition" (Anerkennungspreis) Tiburtius prizes 2023 was awarded to our beloved alumni Dr. Michael Traxler (left on the picture), who came back to Berlin to receive the award.
Michael has been one of our EC²/BIG-NSE students between Oct. 2019 and Dec. 2022. In the group of Prof. Dr. Arne Thomas (right on the picture), he successfully worked on the following PhD topic: "Functional Porous Polymers as a Material Platform for Heterogeneous Metalla-(Photo)catalysis". His second supervisor was Prof. Dr. Hans Börner from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Michael finished his PhD in Nov. 2022 with the grade "summa cum laude". Immediately after finishing, he started working as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. William Dichtel at the Northwestern University in Chicago, USA.
The Tiburtius prize is named after Professor Joachim Tiburtius, who served as the Senator for Education in Berlin from 1951 to 1963. The State Conference of Rectors and Presidents of Berlin Universities (LKRP) annually awards three prizes, as well as three additional recognition awards to doctoral candidates at Berlin universities for outstanding dissertations. Additionally, three prizes are awarded to graduates of Berlin Universities of Applied Sciences for outstanding master's theses. The works must be evaluated with the best possible grade according to the respective regulations and must be part of a doctoral or examination process completed at a Berlin university in the calendar year prior to the award ceremony.