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Workshop "Vibrational Spectroscopy of Proteins"

Open to all UniSysCat and EC2/BIG-NSE researchers

The twinning program Timb3 of ITQB-NOVA (Lisbon), CIRMMP (Florence), and TU Berlin invite you to a workshop on Vibrational Spectroscopy of Proteins.

The theoretical part of the workshop (22nd – 23rd March 2021) will take place as webinar, focusing on vibrational spectroscopic approaches to elucidate structure-dynamics-function relationships in proteins and enzymes. Master/PhD students, Postdoc and PI researchers, aiming to familiarize with the theoretical aspects of vibrational spectroscopic techniques are welcome.

The hands-on training in the practical part (25th – 26th March) will take place in Berlin for a limited number of students. Details at

Please find here the flyer of the event, here some information about the theoretical part and here about the practical one.

Free Registration at: