Please find below the list of accepted project proposals for which candidates could apply until Jan. 15, 2021 (for a PhD position starting in October 2021) - Call terminated.
List of project proposals for a start in October 2021
Nr. | Project leaders | Topic | Link |
1. | Braun (HU), Kaupp (TU) | Carbonylation and carboxylation of alkanes in fluorinated solvents or scCO2 | Proposal 1 |
2. | Esser (ISAS), Hildebrandt (TU) | Elucidating the mechanistic role of aromatic amino acids in photosensors and enzymes by UV RR spectroscopy | Proposal 2 |
3. | Mroginski (TU), Neubauer (TU) | Structural studies on pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylases to improve kinetics for sugar-modified nucleosides | Proposal 3 |
4. | Horch (FU), Zebger (TU) | Exploring multifunctional hydrogenases by advanced vibrational spectroscopy: Reaction site coupling in complex biocatalytic systems | Proposal 4 |
5. | Dobbek (HU), Zebger (TU) | Semi-artificial metallo-enzymes for CO2 reduction and oxygenation | Proposal 5 |
6. | Kneipp (HU), Esser (ISAS) | UV resonance Raman investigations of enzymes in action | Proposal 6 |
7. | Ray (HU), Kaupp (TU) | Tandem Catalysis: Dehydrogenation and hydrogenation | Proposal 7 |
8. | Repke (TU), Matera (FU) | Machine learning assisted parameter estimation for optimal kinetic characterization of bifunctional heterogeneous catalysts | Proposal 8 |
9. | Heberle (FU), Mroginski (TU) | Flavin/protein interactions that differently shape the reactivities of the two cofactors in bifurcating electron transfer flavoproteins | Proposal 9 |
10. | Dau (FU), Strasser (TU) | Electrochemical and light-driven water splitting tracked by operando X-ray spectroscopy | Proposal 10 |
11. | Mroginski (TU), Lauterbach (TU) | Powering F420-dependent biocatalysts with molecular hydrogen | Proposal 11 |
12. | Dau (FU), Driess (TU) | Electrochemical water splitting by high-performance catalyst materials unraveled by operando X-ray spectroscopy | Proposal 12 |
13. | Ray (HU), Dobbek (HU) | Small molecule activation regulated by secondary coordination and electrostatic effects within artificial non-heme metalloproteins | Proposal 13 |
14. | Leimkühler (UP), Zebger (TU) | Artificial biocatalysis with biologically or chemically synthesized molybdenum cofactors | Proposal 14 |